Free gay porn sites with rainbow logo

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Given just how well known and internationally recognised the Pride flag is, it may come as a surprise to know that Mr Baker did not apply for a trade mark or attempt to claim design or copyright protection in the flag.

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It has achieved such prominence that, in 2015, the Museum of Modern art in New York placed it alongside other universal symbols including the ubiquitous sign, the Creative Commons logo and the recycling symbol¹. The flag was designed in 1978 by Gilbert Baker (1951 – 2017), a US artist and gay rights activist, and has since become the worldwide symbol of LGBTQ Pride. It is almost impossible not to see the rainbow flag flying proudly during the Pride festivals, signifying LGBTQ identity and solidarity. June is Pride month – an annual celebration of, and support for, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities (often shortened to “LGBTQ”).

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